Oxford Football Club is committed to implementing best practice to ensure the wellbeing of all members, supporters and participants, and to ensure that their involvement in play, active recreation and sport is kept fun, safe and inclusive.

Our Committee Policies outline how the Club Committee will deliver the purposes and aims of the Oxford Football Club Constitution to all members, within the guidelines and frameworks outlined by New Zealand Football and in respect to the requirements of New Zealand law.

Our Hardship Policy compliments our culture of reducing the financial barriers to participation in Football and provides avenues of support for those within our community who need additional financial assistance to participate.  

Our Codes of Conduct outline the expectations of behaviour for all OFC club members, volunteers and supporters, as well as visiting teams and their supporters, which align to Sport NZ, and NZ Football equivalent codes. 

Finally, the Oxford FC Member Protection Policies are developed from Sport NZ guidelines to ensure that everyone’s participation in active recreation and sport is safe, fair and inclusive, and of a quality experience that promotes being active for life.

These are living documents that will be updated as needed to reflect legislative and best practice changes that are required by Oxford Football Club, as well as feedback and consultation relating to the practical experience of members within the play, active recreation and competitive sport environment.

NZ Football and Mainland Football

OFC Constitution

Oxford Football Club applied for re-registration as an Incorporated Society as required by the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 as of 27th March 2024.

The OFC Constitution - (Feb 2025) has been approved by members and is the society's governing document under the new Act. 


OFC Vision & Strategy


OFC Hardship Policy

Scorching Goal Football Fund

The Scorching Goal Football Fund was established to build a sustainable long-term football fund that supports thousands of Federation players for many years to come and to enable more children and youth to participate in football through reducing financial barriers throughout New Zealand.

OFC Committee Resources

OFC Codes of Conduct

OFC Member Protection Policies

OFC General Documents